Italy’s flat tax for foreigners

Italy’s flat tax for foreigners who move their residence in Italy

The provision is addressed to new residents and includes a checklist to add to the request for a ruling that allows a preliminary valuation by the Italian Revenue Agency on the admissibility to the tax regime: individuals pay a flat tax of € 100,000 on income produced worldwide with the possibility of extending the tax regime to family members (with a flat rate of € 25,000).

The payment must be done in one solution for every fiscal year covered by the tax, within the deadline for the payment of the income tax balance.

The regime is reserved to individuals (companies are excluded) who move their residence in Italy.
Taxpayers cannot have been resident in Italy for at least 9 of 10 fiscal years prior to the year of validity of the provision. The flat tax covers income produced abroad but does not apply to capital gains earned through the sale of financial holdings during the first five tax years of validity of the measure.

Eligible taxpayers can ask to participate in the new regime when they present their tax returns for the fiscal year during which they moved their residence in Italy or during the immediately following year. They can also present a specific preliminary request for a ruling to the central direction of the Italian Revenue Agency.

Once the flat tax regime has been accorded, the foreign taxpayer is also exempt from fiscal monitoring procedures, IVIE (the tax on property held out of Italy) and the inheritance/gift tax on the transfer of wealth and property held out of Italy.

The request must be filed in person, sent by certified mail with receipt or emailed through a certified email address.

If you would like to have further information please contact us here (languages accepted: Italian, English)

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